Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Shooting of Beaumont

6.00 - 7.43 (The killing of Beaumont)
The killing of Beaumont starts with one of the main characters sat in the car, a generic thriller convention, it is a confined space, slightly claustrophobic spaces with no escape if it is locked. It is a close up shot of him in the car. The character looks at his gun and polishes it a bit as if it is his child, saved his whole life for that moment. There is a ray of light shining off his face, probably non-ambient lighting unless a well-positioned street light. There is no music just the sound of him twiddling his gun about. It is a close up shot of him in the car.

It cuts to a shot of the front of a car with the headlights beaming, another generic thriller convention. As the car turns in the road the light bounces off it and shines into the lense of the camera. The car races off down the road which we think is the vanishing point. However while this is happening tghe camera is panning out from the low angle shot of the car, to a high angle long shot of a small park. In a way it is also like a tracking shot of the car as it follows it around as it travels. As the shot becomes a high angle long shot, the car enters the park, in it is has a love level lighted building, which it is not clear as to what it is. The car pulls up beside it and the killing takes place.
The camera does not zoom into this scene, it leaves it to the audience's imagination as to what really went on in that car in the amount of time it took them to drive round to the park and what motivated the man to kill him.
Even when the man gets out of the car to kill the guy in the trunk, he still leaves his headlights on, this could represent the man in the trunks life, and as the car drives off you see the red lights fade out into the distance, eventually they disappear alltogether possibly representing Beaumont's life disappearing too.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Jackie Brown Title Sequence

Jackie Brown was directed by Tarantino in 1997. It is about a Black middle aged air hostess who gets involved in the police and an arms dealer. Jackie's role as the Femme Fatal is a generic convention of a thriller film. For the first one minute and fifty seconds of this opening sequence, the camera simply tracks the character along a moving carpet, typically found in airports. It shoots a profile view of Jackie Brown and follows her all the way to the end of the conveyor. The lighting looks natural however it could well have been studio lighting creating the extra light rays so it could be non-abient lighting. We watch Jackie travel along this conveyor in a medium close up, with the non-diegetic sound laid over the top of the clip, '110th Street'.

The music then speeds up into a high tempo stacato moment of the song, it reaches a climax and the changes the shot to the scanning proceedure of the bags they have to carry out in the airports. It is showing high security proceedures that everyone had to partake in, and the character Jmackie Brown simply walks behind the security desk and carrys on. This could suggest that later on in the film, no one suspects her of committing the crime or helping the criminal and so she does not have to go through the s ecurity proceedures.

It then cuts so a low angle tracking shot of her walking through the airport, however she is walking the opposite way to everyone ele. This could foreshadow that she will be turning against society in order to do what is right, maybe what is wrong. She also does not make eye contact witgh anyone in particular and therefore is inconspicuous to many. This may reflect that no one would suspect her of doing what she does for her boss.

It cuts to a medium close up of Jackie walking towards the camera and the camera tracks her going forwards.The focus of the camera is on her, everyone else is blurred out suggesting that she is the most crucial and vital part of this film.

Soon it cuts to a side on view again highlighting her profile, foreshadowing that she has to look out for herself and only herself as everyone else is still blirred into the background.
It then cuts to a low angle long/medium shot of her continuing to walk through the airport, however this time she is walking faster than everyone else, suggesting that she is one step ahead of everyone in the film and that she knows their next move.

It cuts to a side on medium close up again yet she is standing in the shadows, possibly suggesting that she will become involved in crime and she may be wanted by the police of some other form of felonic person. During this shot she alsdo starts to run, implying that she will be running from someone or trying to hide from someone at point in this film.

Eventually in the clip Jackie reaches the gate, this could suggest that in the end, she comes out on top and the truth outs reaching her safety barrier.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

FINAL shotlist

  1. Over the shoulder shot of a man walking into the cafe.
  2. CUT TO, tracking shot of girl walking towards the man sat at a table. 
  3. CUT TO, over the shoulder shot of the girl approaching the man sat at the table. 
  4. CUT TO, high angle close up shot if girl picking up the cup and saucer and turning away.
  5. CUT TO, close up and pan out to high angle shot of girl walking away.
  6. CUT TO, point of view shot of girl walking away.
  7. CUT TO , shot reverse shot between the man and the girl walking away.
  8. CUT TO, tracking shot of mans feet getting up and starting to walk.
  9. CUT TO, low angle shot of man approaching the door.
  10. CUT TO, close up shot of man bolting the door shut.
  11. CUT TO, panning shot of man standing in the shadows/hiding behind the counter. 
  12. CUT TO, point of view shot of girl walking towards the door.
  13. CUT TO, medium close up shot of girl trying to find her keys with the man stepping into the shot just behind her in the shadows un-noticed.
  14. CUT TO, black screen with the title on and fade into a medium close up shot of a wall of photos of the girl.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Research into the Amish

The Amish are a group of Christian church fellowships. They are best known for their simplistic living and plain dress. The Amish people feature in the film Witness and also more recently on a VO5 advert for hair wax. They are best known for their reluctance to accept many conviniences of the modern world.
The histroy of the Amish came from a church in Switzerland in 1693. Today there are over 25 different Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren church groups in Lancaster County, all holding slightly different traditions and their own interpretations of the Bible. The more traditional groups are called 'old order'. They do not use electricity or telephones in their homes. By restricting access to television, radio, and telephones, the Amish are better able to keep the modern world from intruding into their home life. They isolate themselves from modern society.
The Amish have long preferred farming as a way of life. They feel their lifestyle and their families can best be maintained in a rural environment. While they do not permit the use of tractors in their fields, these old order Amish groups do use modern farm equipment pulled by teams of horses or mules.
"Amish lifestyle is dictated by the Ordnung (German, meaning: order), which differs slightly from community to community, and, within a community, from district to district." Amish people are true believers in community and they believe that all families are a blessing from god. Their separation from the rest of society helps strengthen their community. The old order Amish groups do not own vehicles, they believe that cars would provide easier access to the ways of the world. You will often see their horses and buggies on roads.
The use of Amish characters in the film Witness means that the characters are very trusting of one another, especially as I wrote that their community is strengthened by their voluntary isolation. The fact that the mother lets her little boy go to the toilet on his own accord did not phase her as they live so far away from society that they are not knowledgeable of the dangers that he was faced to in that toilet.

Re-visited Characters & Costumes

In our thriller we will feature only two characters. One will be an older man who will feature as our killer. We will also have a young girl who will play the victim in our thriller.

The Killer
We have cast a middle aged man to play our killer. He is of an average height with Dark hair.
I imagine this character to be wearing quite simple clothes of a monochrome colour. My vision of the character should be that he is quiet and subtle, I think this should be reflected through his costume. I think when he gets up to leave, he should place his hat on his head to show that he is disguising himself for what he is about to do, it is a form of mask to protect him from the real world.
I think this choice of clothes also foreshadows what is going to happen in our thriller, it casts a view into the future via the clothes. Even though our thriller has a chronological plot line, it will give the audience a chance to think about what will happen.

I was influenced by some of the characters in The Third Man (1949), the costumes were cast by the director, Carol Reed, they consist of monotone clothes, hats and long coats. I think  the vintage style of the film will show through our character in our opening.

The Victim
The girl will be at work so she will be in her waitress clothes. Her costume will consist of a white shirt, to signify her innocence in the situation between her and the killer. She will also be wearing a black tailored skirt of trousers and some black shoes, we will also feature a coat in her outfit, possibly highlighting a bit of her character to the audience. Her costume will show her innocence and foreshadow that she is not the one in the wrong. Hopefully the audience will pick up on the fact that, that is what we are aiming to do.

For this character, when she is in work I think she should look quite regimented and strict with her uniform, much like Jackie Brown is in Quentin Tarantino's movie 'Jackie Brown' (1997) I think it would fit in with the opening of our thriller.

Friday, 2 December 2011

New Shot List for Opening of Thriller

  • Longshot esablishing locations, scene and characters. This introduces the two characters to the film.
  • Cut to a tracking shot of the girl walking towards the man, sat at a table.
  • Cut to an over the shoulder shot of her approaching the man, and the man putting his newspaper down on the table.
  • Cut to a high angle/Close up shot of the girl picking the empty mug up, close up (using the rule of thirds) showing the newspaper headline. (Relating to rape/murder)
  • Cut to an extreme close up of the date, showing this part is in a flashback.
  • Cut to a zoom out of close up into a high angle shot of the man and girl.
  • Cut to a point of view shot of the girl walking away, using shot reverse shot between the girl and the man to connect them. Girl goes into the kitchen.
  • Cut to a tracking shot of the mans feet as he gets up and starts to walk.
  • Cut to a low angle shot of the man approaching the door.
  • Cut to a worms eye of him opening and closing the door.
  • Cut to an extreme closeup shot of him bolting the door.
  • Cut to a panning shot of the man walking towards the counter and crouching, out of sight from the girl. The girl comes out of the kitchen, scans cafe and switches most of the lights off and walks towards the door.
  • Cut to an over the shoulder shot of man walking towards the the girl whilst she's looking for her keys.
  • Cut to a man standing directly behind her, cut to transition/panning shot of the girl to man, in a different scene/location.
  • Cut to a transition shot continues to over the shoulder shot of the man attatching photo of the girl to a wall.
  • Cut to a close up panning shot showing all the photo's of different dead girls.

Changes & Further Developments to Our Thriller Planning

We decided that our previous idea for our thriller was becoming a little complex, in terms of ideas leading on from the opening scene, also we would have to use a lot of locations which involves longer time to film.
Using our original idea, we will still film within the cafe, however more will go on inside the cafe. However we will still use the idea of the wall of photos, this will be in a different location yet it will be anonymous. We made this decision due to the limit on time, of 2 minutes.
The changes in our thriller have been triggered after analysing the task, what is expected of us and after gaining a wider knowledge the thriller genre by watching films and researching.
  • Much like our last idea the film will begin with the young girl working in the cafe, however the difference is that the man will be inside the cafe sat down having a drink, instead of being outside taking pictures of her.
  • The man will be sat at a table reading a newspaper with 'murder/rape' headlines on it. The girl will go to collect his coffee and the camera will catch the headline of the newspaper, foreshadowing the rest of the plot and she will take the coffee from him, implying she will soon be closing the cafe. The date on the newspaper will imply that the scene is a flashback.
  • The working girl will then return to the kitchen with the coffee cup. During this the man will approach the front door of the cafe, open and close the door to imply that he has left, leaving the girl to continue to lock up. An extreme close up of the bolt sliding across the door will be next. He will then walk to crouch behind the counter, so that the girl does not see him.
  • Once returning from the kitchen, the girl will switch off all of the lights and slowly walk toward the door, searching for her key in her bag/pocket.
  • We will show a shot of the man stood closely behind her, slowly closing in on her in a threatening way.
  • We will then use a transition shot to conclude to the next scene,using the back of the girls head, fading into the back of the mans head. He will then place the girls picture on his wall of many other pictures of young girls.
The man will/is a sadistic killer, and the rest of the film will continue to proceed in modern day filming. The aim and plot of the rest of the film will be an investigation into her murder and disappearance, an influence came from 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' which inspired the wall of photo's.

I think this idea is much better than our previous idea, it is simpler yet in my opinion a lot more effective.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Thelma & Louise Image Analysis

Camera Angle
The camera angle is a medium close up, this means the audience can identify what is going on in the scene very clearly. It is also highlighting the expressions on the character's faces. The female character in this shot is dominating the shot, this suggests that she might also be dominating the situation that is going on. This shot also suggests that they are the only two people in the scene that matter in this frame of time.

 This image portrays that she is the Femme Fatal and it is possible that he has done something to aggravate her for him to be in this situation.Stereotypically, Femme Fatal's only threaten people who have threatened them. An example of this would be The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, when she tattoos his stomach, 'I am a sadistic pig and a rapist.' because he raped her, this gave her an incentive to do what she did.

 His shirt may represent his innocence, due to its colour, white, however if we look closely we can see it is an off-white, maybe to represent that fact that he is not so innocent, possibly that he had good intentions at the start but they detiriorated. This could then be a mis-representation, suggesting he has done something to aggravate her for him to be in this situation. The gun represents his life being on the line and whether he should live is down to the woman.

From this shot, it is not clear to see that is is filmed in a car park, however this is a generic film location. It is a good loaction because the ceilings are low, so enclosed in a claustophobic space is always considerd a thriller convention. It could also signify her closing down on him, and facing her fears to stand up to him. Also that fact that they are usually empty, this leaves activities for the characters.  

This is non-ambient lighting, much like the opening scene of Essex Boys in the garage. It creates a sense of fear and threat to the audience. This lighting also establishes the audience's focus on the characters, especially as the background is blurred. The brightest part of the shot is the barrell of the gun, drawing the focus to that aspect of the shot.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Essex Boys Analysis

Fight Club, Chiaroscuro Lighting.
Essex Boys, is a British crime-thriller film directed by Terry Windsor, made in 2000. It was shown at 54 screens throughout the UK, so small independent cinemas. The film was made on a low budget, which often compliments the thriller genre, making it look more real and less like a mainstream film.
Immediately we know that it is a noir thriller, due to the Chiaroscuro lighting, beaming down from behind the character, Billy, this type of lighting implies corruption or threat, in Essex Boys it is foreshadowing future events. Another thriller film that features a lot of chiaroscuro lighting is Fight Club. Chiaroscuro lighting also implies mystery, suspicion, it also gives the audience a point to look at, also a sense of illusion. 
An obvious thriller convention is the location, which is very un-glamorous, it is also a confined, claustrophobic space, a garage, which can often be intimidating and hard to get out of. 

 Billy sits in the car, this is again another generic thriller convention. There is also a voice-over of the character Billy, which is non-diegetic. The first line in the film is "I'll try anything once." This is a cultural signifier as you can instantly recognize an Essex accent. This is stereotypically associated with rough geezer type of men, who will "try anything once." However Billy doesn't seem like the type of person to commit crime from what we have seen so far, but this is all from Billy's point of view, so we could be very wrong. 
Jason through the windscreen.
It cuts to an amazing medium close up shot of Jason Lock through the windscreen of Billy's car, he looks threatening because of his attire and his expression. He wears rich clothes, leather and what looks like a silk shirt. This is like Bill in Kill Bill when he goes to wipe the Bride's face, showing his expensive shoes, ring, and handkerchief with 'Bill' embroidered on it showing his intense vanity. Through this shot diegetic sound is occurring, this shows realism which means the audience can relate to it. Again the use of Chiaroscuro lighting is still effective giving the impression that Jason is dangerous and a 'bad guy'. 

It cuts to a close up of Jason's face, he is squinting through his eyes, maybe representing the evil he is to commit. 

Cutting to a point of view shot of the back of the car driving away from the camera and into a tunnel, again another confined space, taking the shape of a barrel of a gun and the car being the bullet and racing through it. Pathetic fallacy plays a large role here, the rain connotes that something dark, sorrowful and maybe a sin will occur, foreshadowing the future. The tunnel has ambient lighting, again making it very realistic to the audience and making it something that they can relate to. As they enter the tunnel there is a 'stop' sign, this could be subliminal messaging to the audience implying that they are embarking on a journey in which they should stop. The car disappears into the vanishing point of the shot. 

It cuts to a close up shot of Billy driving the car, however the bars of lights on the top of the tunnel are reflecting onto his windscreen, this implies that Billy will be imprisoned, that he will be entering the criminal world. Jason is sat behind him, just over his shoulder watching him all the time. This is much like in Animal Kingdom when Pope, J's uncle is constantly wanting to know where he is, what he is doing all the time, the restriction gives the young characters no freedom.

It cuts to point of view shot of Jason, preparing to meet his 'old friend'. he gets out of the car leaving Billy inside the car, a confinement of his freedom and values. They are in a factory so again it would be ambient lighting, which lets the audience connect to what is happening as it becomes more real to them.  You then see the fight through Billy's point of view, however they are divided yet again by the windscreen, signifying that maybe Jason cannot reach Billy yet. 

It cuts to a medium close up of Jason sat next to Billy once again in the car. This is where we can make another reference to Bill from Kill Bill, as Jason's vanity seems through again. He has just thrown a pot of acid on a mans face and he got a little on his shirt, he tries to rub it off. Jason is more worried about the condition of his shirt than the man's wounds in the back of his van. 
Jason and Billy take the man to the Essex Marshes, this is Jason's land, it has no boundaries, no constraints, no restrictions. It is featureless and bleak, through these characteristics we can link them back to Jason. Jason beats the man up once again and leaves him stranded on the marshes, as it cuts to a long shot of the white van exiting Jason's territory. 
This is a case of Human Moral Corruption. 

Adaptions and developments to our Thriller Idea

We aim to change our idea slightly, but just play on different ideas but sticking to the main story line. By developing our ideas it will make it a lot easier to create, also the narrative will be chronological/linear so a lot easier to film than a flashback. It is also a lot more viable to film  in 2 minutes. The flow of the opening will be much smoother and leave a more anonymous ending, ready for the rest of the film.

Our initial Idea.
  • Girl working in a cafe. (soft music to be playing in background)
  • A shot to establish who she is, and her name on the name tag, 'Summer'.
  • Over the shoulder shot of man watching her and taking pictures of her in his car.
  • Flash shot of a wall covered in pictures of the girl.
  • Man follows the girl home.
  • He follows her into her home.
  • Shot of unlocked padlock on the gate.
  • Shot of the man continuing through the gate.
  • Black flash, scream from girl.
  • Shot of man driving home in pick up truck.
  • Shot of her foot moving in the back, to imply she is still alive.
Changes to our idea.
  • Girl working in a cafe. (soft music to be playing in background)
  • A shot to establish who she is, and her name on the name tag, 'Summer'.
  • Over the shoulder shot of man watching her and taking pictures of her in his car.
  • Flash shot of a wall covered in pictures of the girl.
  • Man follows the girl home.
  • He sits in his car and watches her enter her house.
  • He drives home.
  • He gets home.
  • He hears movement upstairs. (music changes to create tension)
  • He goes upstairs.
  • Goes into the room with the wall of photos, with the girl dead in.
  • Flash of the Title 'Summers End'
  • Panning shot of the man's face looking worried.
We changed our idea because we were not 100% happy with our first idea. The storyline was not going anywhere and we had no plan for the rest of the film. There also would have been no mystery and more of an action film rather than a thriller. It also leaves a cliff hanger to who killed the girl in his house and how they got back to his house quicker than he did.
We have thought about the music and that we didn't want to use diegetic sound in the first scene apart from maybe the scream when the girl is killed.However by using no music it creates more tension.
We want to call our Film 'Summer's End'. It implies that it is Autumn/Winter and that Summer has passed but also that the girl's name is Summer, and even from the first scene and the title you know something is going to happen to Summer. It creates direct association. It is Summer's life that ends.

Initial Thriller Ideas

First Idea
We came up with a storyline of having an old man telling his story, but he would be the voiceover/narrater in the start of our thirller. However the opening would be him as a young man, he would be telling his story through the actions in the poening, and his voiceover track.

We didn't choose this because we thought the idea was too complicated to try to put the story accross in 2 minutes. Also trying to plan the storyboard and shotlist, while trying to incorperate a voiceover, over all the scenes. This also means that the narrative could not be chronological/linear due to this being a part of his memory and a flashback. We decided to devise something much simpler so that what wa happening was much clearer to the audience.

Second Idea
Our second idea was to have a little girl trying to seek revenge on her step-mother for causing corruption in her family. The little girl and her alcoholic dependant dad, set out to kill the step-mother.

We didn't choose this idea because we didn't think there were enough conventions of the thrille genre embeded into this idea. A disturbed child is more of a horror convention and is slightly unrealistic. Also trying to convey relationship staus' in 2 miuntes would be a huge challenge.

Third Idea
Our third idea was to take a teenage girl who works in a cafe, and a man sat outside in his car, taking pictures of her through a window, somewhere in amongst these scenes we would have a flash of a wall covered in pictures of this girl. This shot would imply that he is her stalker and that she is in danger. She walks home and he will follow her in his car, lurking just out of sight. A flash of a black screen, and you hear a scream, this will be the girl being killed. It then shows a man driving a pick up truck, with the girl in a bin bag in the back, but her foot twitches, implying she isn't dead. Her shoe is to be found by the lake where she was 'murdered'

We chose this because it was somewhat simple, and has only two characters. We had ca clear idea  of filming locations as well which makes it a little easier. The idea will fit into 2 minutes which makes this a better idea to aim towards.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

What Made Animal Kingdom a Marketing Success?

Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom was shown mostly by small, independent cinemas. It is categorized into the thriller genre, which at first thought you would think it would only appeal to a small minority audience. The Australian Film was being created on a budget of only $5,000,000, yet took in a staggering $6,793,982. Part of the success was because before the film was even released, there was a viral wave, promoting the film, thanks to the Producer of the film. She did a majority of the promoting online. Another contributing factor to the films' success could be because of where it was shown. It England, it was shown in independent cinemas, rather than mainstream cinema's. Independent cinemas, for example Cinema City in Norwich. Picture House owns this cinema, and for it to receive the full amount (£16,000) Picture House offers cinemas like this, 35% of their screenings have to be European, so that is where a lot of funding comes from in order to screen this type of film. Cinemas like cinema city are often placed in towns and cities that hold a university. Because they are cheaper, students from the university are attracted to the cheaper ones, which often screen some of the same movies, however it also influences them to go and see something a bit different, much like Animal Kingdom.

Animal Kingdom also attracted a lot of attention was that because there were no A-list actors in the film, people had no pre-judgments or the film, depending on who was in it. For example, if Hugh Grant was it in, we may associate it with his role in Love Actually, and many of his other Rom-Com characters. The only recognized actor in it would be Guy Pearce, however not everyone knows about him and his acting career so the film's actors were still kept pretty anonymous. I think this created a mystery about the film.
On IMBd website, the user ratings turned out to be an average of 7.4 out of 10, which for a low budget, foreign  film with no a-list actors in it, is pretty impressive.
The people who gave it the highest rating on this site were under 18 year olds, males in particular. I think this is highlighting the target audience.

Overall Animal Kingdom was a success because it relied on internet marketing and advertising. If the online marketing had not have taken place then it would not have been such a success.
I will be ordering this film online, I thought it was fantastic.

Words - 419

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Thriller Planning

Animal Kingdom Analysis

Animal Kingdom is an Australian thriller film. It had a budget of 5,000,000 Austrailian Dollars, which in comparison to other films is a very tight budget. The box office collected a total of $6,793,982 worldwide. Even though it was released in February 2011, it is still being shown today November 2011, this shows the popularity of the film. The director was an Austrailian, David Michôd, he also wrote most of the film himself.

In this clip, the Police Officer played by Guy Pearce, is asking Josh to accompany him to ask him some questions. However Josh's Uncle is not too keen for him to go. In this clip, as the audience you also get a sense of danger, because the two main shots they use are medium close up and over the shoulder shots. The shots use the lighting to their advantage, they show the Uncle 'Pope' standing in the dark, doorway to the house, he is standing in the shadows. This suggests to us as the audience that he is the side representing dark and evil, the side that you do not want to be on.Also the positioning of Uncle Pope, the way he is standing behind hiding part of himself behind the doorway, tells us that he has truths to hide, sins and dark deeds that the police officer does not know about, or suspects but can not confirm. Also the clever use of placing the actors so that you can not see them in certain shots. For example, Josh you can't see in this shot, so it looks like Pope is all by himself on the dark side. This is until 'Smurf' the Grandmother comes and joins Pope's side, suggesting that she is also dark and criminal, always living in the shadows because of her criminal family and their reputation. Pope looks very shifty in this scene, Smurf and the Police Officer (Detective Leckie) move around a bit, Smurf enters the shot by walking and Mr Leckie walks around a little at the end of the shot. However Pope and Josh almost don't move at all. I think this could be because Pope wants to connect with Josh to try to persuade him to stick with him and the rest of the family, however Josh knows the danger of staying with them, that is to get shot. Josh makes near to no eye contact with anyone in this clip, trying to work out what he should do on his own, when everyone else is too busy making choices for Josh without his consulting them himself. This is giving Josh no independence, this is why he is stuck in the middle. Although again due to the camera shots, it suggests he has chosen to side with Mr Leckie, as he is featured only in shots with Mr Leckie in. I thin he chose this because he wanted to make his own decisions without anyone else having influence over him.

However, when you see the medium close up/over the shoulder shot of the Police Officer, he is standing in the light, in natural day light, suggesting he is true, there is nothing fake and he is hiding nothing. It also looks like there is a beam of light shining upon him, like an angel or guardian angel. In the shots Josh is also standing in them, this forecasts what is going to happen in the rest of the film. It forecasts that Josh will Talk to The police and be protected by them, he will chose the good side and not fall into the trap set by his Uncle Pope that the rest of his family members have done, and therefore, been killed. During this conversation, the questions the Police Officer puts to him, Pope and Smurf both answer for him every time  he does not speak during this clip. This shows how he is being pushed about by his family and that they go to efforts to make sure that he is under their watch all the time, they try not to let him out of their sight, especially Pope. 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Filming Locations

We are due to film our thriller Ilketshall St Andrew. These are some of the locations we have chosen to film at.

This first shot is of a desolate old farm road that we will use for our character to walk down on her way home from work.

This next shot of the iron gates will be useful to create tension, anxst and power amoung the audience. They represent male domination in our film.

This is an old warehouse/farmhouse that we can utilise for the murder of the victim.
This roud we can utilise for the car driving down it following the girl.

The lake will we useful for the murder of the the victim as well as the warehouse. It is an eery location

Friday, 4 November 2011

IMPROVED 'Witness' Film Clip Analysis


This film is about an Amish boy who witnesses a murder in a train station, filmed in Philadelphia. It was released in 1985 and filmed in America. It was also directed by Peter Weir. The budget for the film was $12,000,000 and the total gross that was brought in by the box office was $65,500,000. The film won 2 Oscars and was nominated for 25 other awards.

At the beginning of the clip, it shows a little boy with his mother, his costume (in particular his hat), makes it look like he is wearing a halo around his head, the shot is a medium close up at a slightly low angle to signify his value and importance. This shot is highlighting the contrast between the boy and his future. This little boy has such huge importance but at this moment in the film he is still only an innocent boy. There are no bright colours, they are all quite monotone. This could signify that he is still innocent and all he has not a care in the world. The expression on his face tells us that he has never seen anything like what he is looking at.

The shot cuts to a shot of the boy looking up at a statue of an angel helping and holding a wounded man. The shot pans to a very low angle shot of the angel statue. This again is showing the power of the angle in the statue and the importance of this figure to the little boy. Also because he is from an Amish background, art like that would not be a common sight for someone like this little boy. Seeing something like that for the first time must be pretty amazing, I think he instantly has a connection between himself and the statue. Therefore the angel is foreshadowing the future actions in the film, although how yet we do not know. Again there is not a huge variety of colours in any of these shots yet, they are all quite dull colours.

The clip cuts to the previous shot of the little boy looking up in amazement at the angel statue. But then almost instantly cuts back to the shot of the angel with the wounded man. This could be embedding the relationship between the angel statue and the little boy, again foreshadowing the future.

Interestingly, it cuts to an over the shoulder shot of the angel, high angle then a long shot showing how insignificant the child is in comparison to everything else. It looks like the shot it from the angels perspective, showing the audience that maybe the angel is watching over the little boy, keeping watch like guardian angels stereotypically are supposed to do. The shot also shows people pushing past him, again showing his insignificance and that he is just a little boy. It shows the little boy still gazing up in amazement, he is stood still whilst everyone else is pushing past him and not really looking or paying attention to him. His Mother comes over to get him but even as he is walking away he still tries to look back at the statue to get one last glimpse of it.

The shot cuts to a long shot and a slightly low angle shot of the Mother and the little boy, however no one is there, they are alone in the station sat on a bench, maybe people chose not to sit near them because of their traditional image. People are brainwashed today with an image that we have to look like, the perfect dress size, the colours etcs, but the Amish go against this and have done for many years as they chose to isolate themselves away from modern societies and technologies. This shot and positioning shows the venerability of the characters. The boy then gets up and walks towards the vanishing point of the shot, towards a door. The Mother is not fussed at all that he is going to the loo by himself even though he is still small and at this moment, insignificant. However the Mother runs after because he forgot his hat, this shows he priorities, you think she is going to accompany him which would have been the safer option even in modern society and no threat of murder.

It then cuts to a low angle close up shot of the little boy to show significance and importance. The fact that the Mother sends the boy to the toilet by himself shows that she doesn’t think there is any threat of harm in doing so due to their culture and the way they were brought up in the Amish community. Ambient lighting is used in this shot and diegetic sound makes it more realistic it also adds to the tension in the audience. There is no dialogue though, this again would add to the tension within the audience.

It cuts to a slightly low angle of a man, acknowledging that the little boy just entered the room, he nods towards him showing that the little boy has entered the room.

Then it cuts to a medium close up of the little boy taking in his surroundings and smiling back at the man. This angles shot is at a slightly low angle, again re-iterating his power. He then walks forward and out of the shot.

As soon as he walks out of the shot it cuts to a shot from behind the little boy, establishing the mis-en-scene. It clarifies that they are in a bathroom, quite a dingy place. The little boy walks forward as the man washed his own face, maybe suggesting that he has just done something that made him sweat or work for, maybe he committed a crime. The boy walks to the edge of the shot and then out of it completely. The effect of waiting until someone has walked out of a shot is tension throughout the audience. It leaves you wondering what he is going to do? where is he going to? what is the other man in the shot going to do? Weir used the rule of thirds very well in this shot.

The scene then cuts to a shot of two cubicles but there is a gap in which you can see the little boy through, showing that maybe the man has forgotten he is there, that the little boy is just in the background and again a little insignificant. The little boy glances back at the man who is still washing his face.
Straight after that it cuts to a medium close of the man washing his face but looking over at the door, maybe because someone just entered the room. The subject looks slowly down at what he is doing, what does he know/realised? In the same shot we see the creases in someone’s clothes, but we cannot see who it is, at the moment he is left anonymous as we can't see his face. Within the same shot we see a man in the Mirror entering to make use of the toilets. By the expressions on the man's face, he feels threatened by these people who have just entered. Are they his enemies? The man by the urinals in a black man, but we still cannot see his face. Again this leaves him anonymous much like the other man.
It suddenly cuts back to the medium close up of the boy through the crack in the cubical. The little boy turns back round to face the wall, not able to see what is going on behind him.

Cutting to a medium close up of the black man who we can now identify him, because we see his face and expression. He nods to the other man in the room, (the anonymous man?) and turns back around preparing himself for something.
It cuts to a long shot, enabling the audience to be able to see the three men in the room, Weir does this because apart from one, the other two men do not know that the little boy is in the room and would not be able to see him, so he is not in the shot. The anonymous man starts to walk off, but he pulls his jacket over the man's face disabling his vision.
It cuts to a shot of a dagger flipping out, the black man is holding it, this establishes that he is going to make a stab at the venerable man. It cuts back to the medium close up of the black man, he makes a lunge for the venerable man. This tells the audience that maybe he is going to be murdered.
It cuts to the medium close up of the little boy peering through the crack in the door, and then a point of view shot from the little boy, it reverses so that you can see his facial expressions and his head and shoulders.
We see a medium close up shot of the little boy backing away from the edge of the door, maybe realising what he just witnessed. A shot of the dying man is trembling on the floor, this is a medium close up. The it cuts to a shot of the murderer backing away with the knife in his hand and blood on the other. He tries to take a paper towel to wipe the evidence away.
It cuts to a shot of a man's arms, showing he is trying to take the dead mans identity. However the shot pans up to the black man still trying to dispose of the evidence.
Another medium close up of the little boy shows he is becoming more and more anxious and nervous about the situation he is in and that he just witnessed.
A close up shot of the lock on the door shows that the door is unlocked and that he is in danger. The boy goes forward to secure the lock on the door and try to protect himself.
After that it cuts to a tracking shot of the villain’s feet, this shows where in comparison to the little boy he is. This again shows his innocence is at risk and it will be taken after he saw the murder. He is in danger.
The little boy then takes of this hat to show his halo has fallen; his innocence has been taken and ripped from him. (Medium close up shot) Harrison Ford then enters with bright light behind him symbolising he is good and maybe the angel helping the wounded man. (Being the little boy)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Thriller Research (Part 1)

Thriller Genre
Thriller films are types of films known to promote suspense, intense excitement high level anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension. Thriller and suspense films have similar characteristics and key features. Typical conventions of a thriller would be features like location, costumes, set, actors (if they are well known for playing a role in a famous thriller film, this may draw the audiences attention to going to see the film in the first place.
Key camera shots featured in the thriller genre at the beginning a tracking or panning shot to interest the audience. Also another typical camera shot in a thriller is the close up/extreme close up, it builds suspense and mystery, especially in the beginning. Also low level and high level angles are a popular camera shots in thriller shots. Through these camera shots portray power and venerability. Thriller films use a wide range of camera shots to enable the audience to try to comprehend with what is going on. It also gives a different view to the audience to show something that the character wants to keep a secret. Clever camera angles work to the advantage of the director’s wishes. Especially in Tarentino’s Kill Bill vol. 1, the opening scene, where it focus’ on a close up of The Bride, and involves the tracking shot following ‘Bill’s’ feet.
Lighting is also a key aspect promoted in thriller films. Ambient lighting is a popular choice in thriller lighting. However in a majority of the films they have very dark lighting, almost none at all. In some scenes in thrillers, much like the opening scene in Kill Bill, it is featured in Black and white. This could be because they want to pay tribute to the 50’s thriller films but also, because then her wounds may look more realistic to the audience. Also it lets you focus on what you are watching rather than the wounds or the costumes. That scene is to establish that Bill tries to Murder the Bride.
Editing often works in favour of creating obstacles mysteries and anxiety for the audience. Jump cuts are often popular, it fills the audience in and create maximum effects; it is also visually pleasing for the audience.
Diegetic and Non-diegetic sound, especially in thriller genres is very effective. Music in the beginning creates a sound bridge this then becomes non-diegetic sound. Music can create effects without having any dialogue; especially in an intense scene music can carry the play forward.