Monday, 26 September 2011

Shot List

Situation – talking about the weekend and a job interview.
Where – filming in school, the arc.
Who – Emily and Lyndsey

1)      Point of View shot of Emily walking down the corridor, cut to
2)      Tracking shot of Emily walking down the corridor, cut to
3)      Over the Shoulder of Emily walking into a room/opening the door, cut to
4)      Birds eye view shot of Lyndsey sleeping on her books, cut to
5)      Medium close up of Lyndsey waking up and book falling on floor, Emily walking in and sitting down next to Lyndsey, cut to
6)      Over the shoulder, shot/reverse shot of conversation between Emily and Lyndsey, cut to
7)      Extreme close up of phone, cut to
8)      Long shot of Lyndsey running off for job interview. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Emily, whilst you're editing we'll check you've covered the 3 principles required for the preliminary task.
