Monday, 26 September 2011

Shot List

Situation – talking about the weekend and a job interview.
Where – filming in school, the arc.
Who – Emily and Lyndsey

1)      Point of View shot of Emily walking down the corridor, cut to
2)      Tracking shot of Emily walking down the corridor, cut to
3)      Over the Shoulder of Emily walking into a room/opening the door, cut to
4)      Birds eye view shot of Lyndsey sleeping on her books, cut to
5)      Medium close up of Lyndsey waking up and book falling on floor, Emily walking in and sitting down next to Lyndsey, cut to
6)      Over the shoulder, shot/reverse shot of conversation between Emily and Lyndsey, cut to
7)      Extreme close up of phone, cut to
8)      Long shot of Lyndsey running off for job interview. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Camera Shots

Long Shot
In filming making, or camera use, a long shot is used to establish a location of the scene and what is happening in the scene, to place the character or object in some relation to its surroundings. Typically it shows the entire object or human figure. It is also to show where the action that is taking place and what is going on.

Tilt Shot
Tilting the camera in film making is creating the effect of confusion or the character, sometimes disorientation, and to be put into an example, it could be used effectively in a nightmare. It is often used to portray the Psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed.

Tracking Shot
In filming, a tracking shot can be very effective when you want to cause tension or uneasiness. The tracking shot involves just following the character or object around, usually on some kind of track or wheeled platform to track the scene. It is used to create anxiety in the audience as you would find out the same time that the subject did, what was to happen.

Extreme Close-Up
The extreme close up shot is used to closely identify an action. It is often used in horror films, to show anxiety, or nervousness. It can also be used to concentrate on the subject’s detail intensely. You would normally need a reason to get this close up to the subject and expect to see it in dramatic scenes.

Worms Eye View
The worm’s eye view shot is used often to indicate fear, from the audiences view it shows events from the character’s vulnerable perspective. It shows the scene from the ground, as if you are a worm.

High Angle 
The High Angle shot shows the object to be insignificant, powerless and vulnerable. The camera should be located above the eye line. High angle shots are usually used in film to make the moment more dramatic or if there is someone at a higher level that the character below is talking to. 

Point Of View
This shot gives the audience the impression that you are the subject, you see what the subject sees through their eyes. It is usually established by being positioned between a shot of a character looking at something, and a shot showing the character's reaction

Bird’s Eye View
In filming, a bird's-eye shot refers to a shot looking directly down on the subject. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasise the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. It adds to audience appeal, it gives a different view on what is going on in the scene.

Medium Close-Up
This shot brings focus to the subject. It brings attention to what the subject is doing. This shot shows the face more clearly, without getting uncomfortably close.

Over The Shoulder
This shot gives the audience the impression that somebody is following the subject; it places the audience in the position of the character or possibly the follower. It is also often used when two subjects are conversing, to show the view of the speaking subject from the others perspective.

Media Questionnaire

Print Media
Often I read the contents of The Sunday Times newspaper, and sometimes dip into the local newspaper. In the broadsheet newspaper I enjoy reading about recent affairs around the world, I think it is important that especially young people should be interested in the news as we are the future generation and should learn from the mistakes people hear about in the news. I try to stay away from celebrity and gossip pages and magazines because I think it has a bad influence on a majority of the readers.
I access most of the news via the television, despite not watching a lot of t.v myself. I read music magazines, mainly NME (New Music Express) which introduces sub-genres and sometimes unsigned bands! I don’t get it every week, but every 2-3 weeks.

Radio Media
                I listen to either Radio 1, or NME radio station. I like the mix of music on Radio 1, it plays a lot of mainstream music but they have things like ‘record of the week’ which they will play a new track from an unheard band or solo artist, it injects a bit of difference into mainstream. Whereas NME radio station does mainly the opposite of Radio 1. You could say it plays music for the ‘Indie’ community, the people who like to be different. NME play a lot of band music rather than solo artists. I prefer Bands to solo artists; I think their tracks have more depth which often creates a heavier effect on the listener. Although, my dad likes to listen to Alan Carr on a Saturday night on Radio 2, which I enjoy listening to as well.

Music Industry
I prefer to listen to bands rather than solo artists because I think the combination of instruments add more depth and meaning to the song. My favourite genres of music are, Punk, some popular music, a bit of rock, and Indie. (to me Indie means, small sub-genres of bands that have light guitar riffs, and a tuneful melody, it has a strong bass line and often synthesizers in the song) My favourite band (and a stereotypical Indie band) at the moment is a band called The Cads. They are a small band from Suffolk and used to go to school with a lot of my friends! I try and support them as much as I can by buying their EP’s and going to their gigs! I have never been part of a band but I would love to be, I play the guitar to accompany my voice, as I sing to grade 5.
I find out about a lot of new music via the internet but other ways are going to gigs, often the support act is a band I have never heard of but really like their music! (This is how I found out about The Cads!) I agree with illegal downloading to some extent, for example, I try and buy small bands CD’s because downloading music from them isn’t fair, but when it comes to big bands, like Paramore or Muse, who are already very wealthy, I tend to download it!
The music industry influences a lot of young people today; young people see music as a way of expressing themselves and defining themselves. Often friendship groups are built on what kind of music they are into.  I know my dress is influenced by the music I listen to; I try to be a bit different, but not to stick out like a sore thumb, although sometimes that can be a good thing. I admire people who try and wear something different, and not follow the crowds.

New Technology
I don’t think new technologies have increased my understanding of the world, other than that some people try to follow the trends all the time! I think my laptop is my main source of communication, then my phone. It is so useful. I don’t go to the cinema very often, but when I do, it is with friends.
                My favourite television channel is Channel 4. It shows teenage dramas, like ‘Skins’, ‘Misfits’, ‘Beaver Falls’, and often comedy as well. I like them because especially programmes like skins, I can relate to, I have friend that are like some of the characters, it feels more personal than other programmes like ‘Top Gear’ for example. I don’t tend to watch a lot of television, only the news and programmes I specifically want to watch, like ‘Beaver Falls’.  Television programmes I consider memorable, are usually ones that I can relate to, like ‘Michael Palin’s Himalaya’ as I have been there, also ones like ‘Skins’ because it reminds me of personal matters and often some of my friends.  Also programmes I watched as a child that built my childhood, for example, ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’. After watching the programme, I would get given Thomas the tank engine train sets, and annual books that I still have today!

Feature Film
                My favourite genre, like many others, is comedy. I like actors like Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd. I like comedy because there are so many ways of portraying it and through so many different story lines. Three films I think are outstanding are, Inception, purely because the idea is innovative, no one has done much like it before. I also think the new Sherlock Holmes film is outstanding, Robert Downey Junior and Jude Law, play their parts exceptionally, also the enemy, Lord Blackwood played by Mark Strong was also very good, he also went to Wymondham College when he was younger like myself! One other film I think is outstanding is Inglorious Basterds. I love war films anyway and to watch this film gives a different perspective, I think it has a very strong storyline as well. I go to the cinema to watch films and I also buy them, not so much rent. If I go to the cinema I go to the multi-plex, Vue in Castle Mall. It always has a huge variety of films showing and offers good services. I also tend to go with friends and family not to go on my own.

Media Producer
I have made 2 music videos, 1 I had to produce as a part of my Diploma, and the other, just for fun with my friend! I did my work experience at Future Radio in Norwich, they gave me the opportunity to have my own hour’s radio show, which I recorded and edited myself! It went on air on the Saturday at the end of the week.

                I often find articles or comic strips in the newspapers, that I am offended by, often politics related, I don’t agree with a lot of what is going on, especially to do with students and job cuts. However I closely follow a band called ‘The King Blues’ on facebook, twitter and Youtube. A few years ago they paid for an advertisement on a billboard in central London, so that they could write their own message to the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.  

 The full message went like this,

“Dear Gordon Brown,

Your party led us into war after war that we didn't want to fight and you added insult to injury by stripping away our civil liberties, the very things that make Britain Great.
Bringing in ID cards, surrounding us with CCTV and taking away our right to protest doesn't prevent crime, it just increases your grip on us.
Money goes on bailing out banks and buying tanks while the police move on the homeless by waking them up and pouring water where they sleep.
Your crackdown on unemployment benefits during an economic crisis shows your finger is pointed firmly in the wrong direction. You are demonising the people you have forced to live in poverty.
We demand that you put ALL people before profits because ALL people are priceless.
No more will we fear each other, for we are all equal. We will not let creed, sexuality, or colour come between us. Our only enemies are those who try to divide us. We were born free and we want to live free. The people run this country, not unelected leaders and when we stand together as one we're strong because power comes from the bottom up, not the top down. Watch your back all oppressors, we are organising.
The King Blues”

This message inspired me to follow what Gordon Brown was doing and politics in general as I am sure it did the same to others like myself.  It spurred me on to take more of an active role to find out more about happenings within the government. This band in particular have influenced a big section of my music taste, the way I dress, it has exhibited new ideas and ways of following them on. They influence me musically as well. The King Blues put the world into perspective, show clear priorities in England about what should be of more importance than others. They write songs about they matters they protest and campaign for as well, for example the war, one of their songs state, “and going to war to prevent war, was the most stupid thing I ever heard.”  I might chose a similar method to The King Blues in terms of writing a media text. It got peoples attention and it transports your message quickly. It also attracted the Medias attention which gets you in the papers and websites as well. The idea I think was new and innovative. My message I think would be similar to The King Blues’ because England I think does need to sort out a lot of its priorities, or do more about them. I feel strongly about the points they brought up in that message as well and think they did the right thing be voicing their opinion on behalf of a lot of people.

I have chosen media studies as an option because I wanted to carry on doing something I really enjoy. The diploma I did is very similar to this course and I really enjoyed that, I would have not had a lot of the opportunities I got offered to me if I had not stuck with the diploma. I also got an A in diploma, so media can’t be something that I am bad at, or find un-achievable!